Facing the Pain of Your Father

Facing the Pain of Your Father

As a fatherless woman I am strong. But like many fatherless women, I have had a hard time forgiving. I have been through the trials and tribulations that come with fatherlessness, and I am still going through them. I was so fortunate to have had people looking out for me at a young age. When my father left my family, I was in eighth grade. It was an extremely hard time for me, and I was so hurt and confused. Luckily, I had a teacher who knew I needed extra help. She took me to our schools therapist, and only there was I able to learn the importance of forgiving.

I am an empath. I am a person who feels everyone’s emotions, and I am constantly feeling my own very strong emotions. So when my father left me, he left me to deal with a plethora of intense and painful new emotions. Therapy taught me how to deal with these emotions. It taught me how to process my feelings in a healthy way. And most importantly, therapy taught me how to forgive my father. This did not come quickly, I was in therapy for 5 years. My therapist helped to teach me that forgiving is one of our most powerful tools.

As fatherless women, we deal with so much pain. And I know just how much this pain hurts, and why we wouldn’t want to forgive someone who caused us this pain. But I also know how freeing it feels to have some of that pain lifted. By forgiving our fathers, we can be free of some of that pain we carry around with us every day. Forgiving our fathers does not come naturally. Why would it? I know I did not think my father deserved to be forgiven. My father is not in my life, I constantly thought to myself: “Why should I even forgive him when he’s never even apologized for leaving me?” It was only after therapy that I knew I was not forgiving my father for him, I was forgiving him for myself. It is important to remember that we are not forgiving our fathers so they feel better. We are forgiving our fathers so that WE will feel better.

While not everyone knows this kind of pain, From Fatherless to Fearless is here to help you through the journey. Through their signature program entitled Your B.R.I.D.G.E to Healing program, it gives women like us the opportunity to forgive, and to heal. Forgiving is not easy; it is not supposed to be. But when we learn how to forgive, it is so worth it. If you are interested in the Your B.R.I,D.G.E. to Healing program, click here.

The Strength of Renewing Your Heart and Mind

The Strength of Renewing Your Heart and Mind

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